Thursday 21 August 2014

The tragic tale of Edward Mordrake

Throughout history, there have been numerous accounts of human deformities, some so extreme that they never cease to fascinate. There have been many varying types from conjoined twins to people with extra limbs. Some of these unfortunate people have actually attained a modicum of celebrity status from their afflictions and in some cases, have created careers deriving from their differences, becoming financially prosperous as a result. Those in question have become common knowledge amongst the public, one fine example being Joseph Merrick, otherwise referred to as the Elephant Man, due to his extreme facial deformities which were routinely observed as he toured with various circus freak shows early in life.

There exists one case, however, which is relatively unknown to most, but due to the nature of the deformity, must rank as one of the most intriguing and yet, macabre examples ever discovered. The person in question was Edward Mordrake who was born an English nobleman to a wealthy family of nobility. The story takes us back to the nineteenth century but other details regarding it are scarce with a lot of the background history lost in the annals of time. As a result of little verifiable evidence and conclusive photographic material, a long standing argument remains active as to whether this was a real event or an urban myth bought about by a vivid imagination.

Edward was born with a second "parasitic" face located on the back of his head. It was smaller in nature than his own and resembled a malevolent female of sorts. Supposed proof of his parasite's evil characteristics were displayed at times of upset and grief for young Edward as whenever he cried or whimpered, his demon accomplice was seen to laugh or snigger in reply, with no evidence of empathy or compassion for him. One contradiction in the story relates to it's inability to speak, with it's lips murmuring constantly as if doing so, but without sound. Yet Edward would tell of his mental anguish every night as it deprived him of sleep by talking incessantly about "things from hell" and other nightmarish horrors.

Edward committed suicide at the tender age of twenty three, with some accrediting it to the mental torture he endured at the hands of his demon face and it's ceaseless taunts haunting him every night. In life he begged surgeons and doctors to remove the affliction, but as a result of it's anatomical location, this was impossible. So horrified of it's existence, Edward couldn't even contemplate the thought of sharing his body with his demon partner in death which is evidenced by a short passage in his suicide note which read “ lest it continues its dreadful whisperings in my grave” Whether real or a work of fiction, the story will always retain a certain "haunting" quality to it.

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